© www.coastalhazards.org
Coastal Hazards Research Collaboratory (CHARCOL)
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
- Chen, Q., Kirby, J. T., Dalrymple, R. A. and Kennedy, A. B., 1998. Boussinesq modeling of wave fields at FRF, Duck. EOS, Transactions AGU
- Chen, Q., Kirby, J. T., Dalrymple, R. A., Kennedy, A. B., Thornton, E. B. and Shi, F., 1999. Boussinesq modeling of alongshore currents at FRF, Duck, NC. EOS, Transactions AGU.
- Chen, Q., Svendsen, I. A. and Ebersole, B. A., 2000. Effects of cross-shore boundaries on longshore current simulations. EOS, Transactions AGU.
- Chen, Q., Hu, K. and Douglass, S. L., 2002. A test of the curvilinear SWAN model under unsteady conditions. EOS, Transactions AGU.
- Kirby, J. T., Chen, Q., Noyes, J., Elgar, S. and Guza, R., 2002. Evaluation of Boussinesq model predictions of nearshore hydrodynamics. EOS, AGU.
- Shi, F., Kirby, J. T., Dalrymple, R. A. and Chen, Q, 2002. On nonlinear properties of waves predicted by a Boussinesq model. EOS, Transactions.
- Chen, Q., Zhao, H., Wang, L. and Douglass, S. L, 2003. Numerical modeling of wind waves and circulation in Mobile Bay, ASCE Conference on Coastal Engineering Today. Gainesville, FL.
- Douglass, S. L. and Chen, Q., 2003. Coastal engineering of Alabama’s beaches. ASCE Conference on Coastal Engineering Today. Gainesville, FL.
- Kirby, J. T., Chen, Q., Noyes, J., Elgar, S. and Guza, R., 2003. Modeling current instabilities in the nearshore. ASCE Conference on Coastal Engineering Today. Gainesville, FL.
- Chen, Q., 2004. Evaluating the radiation stress in surf zones. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR.
- Chen, Q., Wang, L., Zhao, H., and Douglass, S. L., 2004. Predictions of storm surges and wind waves in Mobile Bay, AL. American Shore and Beach Preservation Association: Beach and Ecosystem Restoration in the 21st Century, New Orleans, LA, September 13-15.
- Douglass, S. L. and Chen, Q., 2004. Coastal Engineering Overview: I: Design Aspects. II: Coastal Engineering Solutions. FHWA National Hydraulic Engineering Conference: Transforming Technology and Research into Practice. Ashville, N.C.
- Chen, Q., 2004. Boussinesq modeling of nonlinear waves and surf-zone currents over a porous beach. EOS, Transactions AGU.
- Cruz, E. and Chen, Q., 2005. A Boussinesq-type model for wave transformation and run-up on permeable slopes. Abstract accepted by the American Society of Civil Engineers Conference on Solutions to Coastal Disasters, Charleston, S.C. May 8-11.
- Chen, Q. Wang, L., Zhao, H. and Douglass, S. L., 2005. The vulnerability of coastal bridges – The cause of the I-10 bridge collapse during Hurricane Ivan. Presented at the AGU Joint Assembly, New Orleans, LA, May 23-37.
- Chen, Q., 2005. Computer modeling of storm surges. American Society of Civil Engineers Alabama Summer Section Meeting. July 27-29.
- Chen, Q., 2005. How to determine surge and wave conditions near coastal bridges – Hurricane Katrina. National Symposium on Waves Forces on Coastal Bridges, Federal Highway Administration. Mclean, VA, Dec. 5-7.
- Chen, Q., Wang, L., and Zhao, H., 2006. Simulation of storm surges and wind waves on the Mississippi and Alabama coasts during Hurricane Katrina (2005). AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 20-24.
- Zhao, H., Chen, Q., Rogers, E., and Kimball, S., 2006. Testing SWAN under hurricane conditions. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 20-24.
- Chen, Q., 2006. Recent advances in the Boussinesq modeling of surf-zone currents. ONR Annual Progress Review, Miami, FL, March 13-16.
- Briganti, R. and Chen, Q., 2006. Boussinesq modeling of nearshore currents and swash motions at NCEX, EOS, Transactions AGU, 87(52), Fall Meeting Suppl., Abstract OS41C-0634.
- Kirby, J. T., Riganti, M., Brocchini, M, and Chen, Q., 2006. Lagrangian particle statistics of numerically simulated shear waves, EOS, Transactions AGU, 87(52), Fall Meeting Suppl., Abstract OS41C-0633.
- Chen, Q., Wang, L., Tawes, R. and Zhao, H., 2008. Response of the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico to hurricanes. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting. Orlando, FL
- Zhao, H. and Chen, Q., 2008. Integrating Satellite Imagery and Numerical Models for Coastal Sediment Transport Study. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting. Orlando, FL
- Tyagi, M., El-Khamra, Y., Chen, Q., Allen, G., Fang, Q., and Shi. F., 2008. Parallel numerical simulations of tsunami propagation and coastal inundation with a non-linear dispersive Boussinesq model. First American Academy of Mechanics Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Eskilsson, C. and Chen, Q., 2008. A storm surge model based on an adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method. First American Academy of Mechanics Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Chen, Q., Wang, L. and Zhao, H., 2008. Effects of coastal barriers on waves and surges of Hurricane Katrina, Gulf Coast Hurricane Conference, 11-14, November, Mobile, AL.
- Chen, Q., 2009. Development of Coastal Ocean Modeling Infrastructure (COMI) at LSU, Proceedings Grand Challenges in Coastal Resiliency 1, Baton Rouge, January, 20-21. http://www.research.lsu.edu/csa/grandchallenge/proceedings.shtml
- Chen, Q., Hu, K., and Wang, L., 2009. Effects of coastal barriers on storm surge and tsunami inundation, NSF CMMI Research and Innovation Conference, Honolulu, HI, June 22-25.
- Hu, K., Chen, Q., Kennedy, A., 2009. Interaction of storm surge and hurricane waves: Modeling and measurements. Joint ASCE-ASME-SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials, Blacksburg, VA. June 24-27.
- Fitzpatrick, P., Lau, Y., Hill, C. M., Chen, Q., Twilley, R. R., Cable, J. E., Tolman, H. L., Hu, K., and Chawla, A., 2010. An Integrated Modeling and Data Analysis Approach to Understanding Louisiana's Wetland Resilience to Hurricane Landfall. American Meteorological Society Conference.
- Chen, Q., Zhao, H., Hu, K., Twilley, R. R., and Cable, J. E., 2010. An integrated storm surge, hurricane waves, salinity and sediment transport modeling system for Breton Sound, LA. NGI Annual Conference, Mobile, AL. May 18-20.
- Hu, K., Chawla, A., Chen, Q., Tolman, H., and Fitzpatrick, P., 2010. Coupling of ADCIRC and WAVEWATCH for Northern Gulf Coast. NGI Annual Conference, Mobile, AL, May 18-20.
- Hu, K., Chen, Q., Westerink, J. J., Dietrich, J. C., and Kennedy, A. B, 2010. Testing of fully-coupled storm surge and wave models for coastal Louisiana. The State of the Coast Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, June 8-10.
- Jadhav, R., Chen, Q., Kennedy, B. J., Kennedy, A., and Gravois, U., 2010. Rapid response measurements of waves and surge in Louisiana coastal marshes during 2009 Tropical Storm Ida. The State of the Coast Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, June 8-10.
- Zhao, H., Chen, Q., Pardue, J., Willson, C., and Twilley, R., 2010. Numerical modeling of hydrodynamics and wetland loss in Breton Sound, Louisiana. The State of the Coast Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, June 8-10.
- Chatagnier, J., Zhang, G., Chen, Q., Pardue, J., and Wu, W., 2010. Biomechanics of salt marshes applied to wave and surge attenuation. The State of the Coast Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, June 8-10.
- Chen, Q., and Zhao, H., 2010. Surge-dependent vegetation effects on hurricane-generated waves. ASCE EMI Engineering Mechanics Conference, Los Angeles, CA, August, 8-11.
- Zhao, H., Hu, K., Chen, Q., 2010. Numerical modeling of hurricane-induced sediment transport in a shallow estuary. ASCE EMI Engineering Mechanics Conference, Los Angeles, CA, August, 8-11.
- Chen, Q., Zhu, L, Fan, Q., and Wan, X., 2011. Numerical modeling of nonlinear water waves with sigma coordinate. ASCE EMI Engineering Mechanics Conference, Boston, MA, June, 2-6.
- Hu, K. and Chen, Q., 2011. Directional spectra of hurricane waves in the Gulf of Mexico. ASCE EMI Engineering Mechanics Conference, Boston, MA, June, 2-6.
- Chen, Q. and Zhao, H., 2011. Surge-dependent vegetation effects on hurricane-generated waves. Northern Gulf Institute Annual Conference, Mobile, AL, May, 17-19.
- Jiang, L., Tao, J, Hu, K., Zhao, H., Brandt, S. R., Chen, Q., Liu, H., 2011. Cyber-Enabled Coastal Data Factory for the Northern Gulf. Northern Gulf Institute Annual Conference, Mobile, AL, May, 17-19.
- Hu, K., Chen, Q., Zhao, H., Tao, J., Jiang, L., and Brandt, S. R., 2011. Numerical experiments on ecosystem restoration and flood risks reduction in the Northern Gulf Coast – a need for integrated cyberinfrastructure. Northern Gulf Institute Annual Conference, Mobile, AL, May, 17-19.
- McAnally,W. H., Fitzpatrick, P., Amburn, P., Martin, J., Chassignet, E., Chen, Q., and Fulford, F., 2011. Community earth ecosystem models. Northern Gulf Institute Annual Conference, Mobile, AL, May, 17-19.
- Hu, K. and Chen, Q., 2011. Directional spectra of hurricane waves in the Gulf of Mexico. Northern Gulf Institute Annual Conference, Mobile, AL, May, 17-19.
- Parker, K. R., Chen, Q., Jadhav, R., Bouanchaud, J., Chatagnier, J., and Zhang, G. 2012. Field monitoring of storm impacts on marsh edge stability in south Louisiana, Ocean Science Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, February, 19-24.
- Jadhav, R., and Chen, Q., 2012. Wave attenuation by saltmarsh vegetation in Terrebonne Bay during Tropical Storm Lee, The State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, June, 25-27.
- Woodroof, A. and Chen, Q., 2012. Determining the performance of breakwaters during high energy events: A case study of the Holly Beach breakwater system, The State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, June, 25-27.
- Karimpour, A., Chen, Q. and Jadhav, R., 2012. Relationships between turbidity and bottom shear stresses in Terrebonne Bay, Louisiana, The State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, June, 25-27.
- Zhu, L., Chen, Q. and Wan, X., 2012. Development of a non-hydrostatic model for simulation of nonlinear waves over submerged vegetation, The State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, June, 25-27.
- Fan, Q. and Chen, Q., 2012. Simulation of wave attenuation by fluid mud using a finite-volume Navier-Stokes model, The State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, June, 25-27.
- Hu, K. and Chen, Q., 2012. Simulation of waves and surge in Terrebonne Bay during Tropical Storm Lee, The State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, June, 25-27.
- Liu, K. Tao, J., Hu, K., Diener, P. and Chen, Q., 2012. Modeling spilled-oil transport under normal and extreme weather conditions, The State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, June, 25-27.
- Parker, K., Chen, Q. and Jadhav, R., 2012. Field Observations of Marsh Edge Retreat and Wind Waves, The State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, June, 25-27.
- Chen, Q., 2012. Modeling and observing storm surges and hurricane waves on deltaic coast. Northern Gulf Institute Annual Conference, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, July, 12.
- Chen, Q., 2012. Prediction of hurricane-generated waves and storm surges. 21st Annual Hurricane Conference, Lafayette, Louisiana, May, 10.
- Chen, Q., Jadhav, R., and Hu, K., 2012. Measuring and modeling storm wave reduction in wetlands, ASCE EMI Engineering Mechanics Conference, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, June, 17-20.
- Chen, Q., 2012. Simulation of hurricane-generated waves. 2012 NSF CBET Grantee Conference: Advancing Global Engineering through Discovery and Innovation, Baltimore, Maryland, June 6-8, 2012.
- Chakrabarti, A., Chen, Q., and Smith, H., 2013. LES Modeling of Waves through Vegetation. ASCE EMI Engineering Mechanics Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. August 4-7.
- Zhu, L, and Chen, Q., 2013. Numerical modeling of surface waves over submerged flexible vegetation. ASCE EMI Engineering Mechanics Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. August 4-7.
- Karimpour, A. and Chen, Q., 2013. Field Observation of Wave-Induced Flow in Salt Marsh. ASCE EMI Engineering Mechanics Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. August 4-7.
- Chen, Q., Karimpour, A., Parker, Kyle, and Jadhav, R., 2013. Field measurements of waves and surge over submerged vegetation during Hurricane Isaac in 2012. ASCE EMI Engineering Mechanics Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. August 4-7.
- Parker, K., Chen, Q., and Hu, K., 2013. Field monitoring of wave power and marsh edge erosion in Terrebonne Bay, southern Louisiana. ASCE EMI Engineering Mechanics Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. August 4-7.
- Zhu, L., Chen, Q., and Wan, X., 2013. Optimization of non-hydrostatic Euler model for water waves. ASCE EMI Engineering Mechanics Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. August 4-7.
- Hu, K., Chen, Q., and Wang, H., 2013. Modeling of hurricane-induced surge, waves and salinity change in coastal Louisiana. ASCE EMI Engineering Mechanics Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. August 4-7.
- Liu, K., and Chen, Q., 2013. Wind Effects on Nonlinear Interactions of Shallow Water Waves. ASCE EMI Engineering Mechanics Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. August 4-7.
- Mao, S. and Chen, Q., 2013. Investigation of Free Surface Flow Problems Using Cell-Centered Lagrangian Hydrodynamics. ASCE EMI Engineering Mechanics Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. August 4-7.
- Chen, X., Zhan, J., and Chen, Q., 2013. Numerical simulation of the interaction between waves and 2D floating bodies. ASCE EMI Engineering Mechanics Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. August 4-7.